Women in tech Introducing EmbliCats: Empowering Women in Tech at Emblica On this International Women’s Day, we celebrate not just the achievements of women in technology but also the work being done to create a more supportive, and equal industry. In this blog post, we introduce EmbliCats—our initiative to drive impact on equality and inclusivity in the deep tech sector.
data Data Done Right: The Foundation for Successful AI Getting started with AI applications can be a daunting task. One big part is thinking about what data you need to achieve your goals. This blog post will help you think about how your needs inform what data you need to start integrating AI solutions into your business.
recap Looking Back at 2024: A Year of Growth and New Adventures 2024 has been a transformative year for Emblica, marked by growth, innovation, and significant milestones. The CEO of Emblica reflects on the year’s highlights, including key events, impactful partnerships and the dedicated team behind our projects.
Kasvu Open Inside Emblica’s Kasvu Open success, insights from Lotta and Teemu Emblica participated recently in Kasvu Open, a growth-focused program designed to help companies enhance their strategies and scale their operations. Lotta and Teemu share their experiences, insights gained, and what reaching the top 10 means for Emblica.
AI Solving business problems with AI-enhanced LiDAR data The use of LiDAR data can create many opportunities to solve problems requiring spatial information. This post will explore and give examples of how these techniques can be applied to solve real business challenges.
emblica The “You Get What You Pay For” Problem in Data Projects When faced with a textbook example of a problem solvable by algorithms, data professionals often rush to apply their favorite algorithm without questioning the initial problem formulation. The old adage rings true: “If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”
News AI’d Forge – German-Finnish cooperation in the transfer of AI technologies to companies AI’d Forge – German-Finnish cooperation in the transfer of AI technologies to companies
remote Remote-remote working “We support remote work” means very different things in different organizations. After cycling from Finland to Morocco for 5 months, Vili is interviewed by Anna about his experience of working full-time while changing locations often.
datatiede Datatieteilijän sankarimyytti Datatieteilijät ovat nykypäivän supersankareita, jotka visioivat suuria ja pelastavat mikä tahansa liiketoiminnan haasteen pyöräyttämällä dataa notebookeissa. Kuulostaako uskottavalta? Lue tästä mitkä ovat datatieteilijöiden jalustalle nostamisen ongelmat, ja miten ne vältetään.
Computer Vision There Is More To Computer Vision Than Video Cameras What advantages does millimeter-wave radar offer in perception problems where visibility and privacy are limited? Read how we at Emblica have utilized mmWave technology to solve problems where camera-based computer vision solutions are not viable.
point clouds Points about point clouds Representing 3D space digitally can be a challenging task. The most common way to process visuals about our world comes in the form of a 2D image, either from a
AI ethics guidelines and their shortcomings Many organizations have created and published their own AI ethics guidelines to promote responsible and ethical development and use of AI. This blog post shows that having principled AI ethics guidelines alone is not enough to guarantee ethical conduct.
Computer Vision Real-time Computer Vision in action What can you expect to see when using Computer Vision methods on top of a video stream? We made a quick experiment to tell you the pros and cons of face recognition and other computer vision models, and how to utilize them in real time applications.
Luonnollisen kielen käsittely Miten lukea tuhat raporttia minuutissa? Tekstin lukeminen ja ymmärtäminen ovat kaksi eri asiaa. Miten luonnollisen kielen käsittely (Natural Language Processing, NLP) ja muut koneoppimismenetelmät voivat auttaa, kun käsiteltävänä on isoja tekstiaineistoja?
ENG Coding birthdays: how we celebrate our colleagues and why you should take notes Company birthdays can feel repetitive, forced, and awkward. At Emblica we have found a different way to celebrate birthdays. This blog describes how we celebrate!
On Data Augmentation - What to do when the existing data is just not enough? Is your dataset too small? Is it costly or impossible to produce more data at the moment? Or is the data sample too simplistic to represent the real world well? Have you tried... augmenting your data?
Mitä ohjelmistotalot voivat tehdä moninaisuuden tukemiseksi? Moni ohjelmistotalo liputtaa Pridea, mutta ei tiedä miten moninaisuutta voisi edistää digitaalisissa palveluissa. Nappaa tästä ohjeet, joilla pääset alkuun.
Data design 20 tapaa pilata dataprojekti Dataprojektin voi sössiä monella tavalla. Virheet ovat niin yleisiä, että tämän listan kokoamiseen meni vain 24 minuuttia 26 sekuntia (kiitos Slackin viestilogi). Lue yleisimmät kämmit ja vie tumpelointi uudelle asteelle!
Emblicast: 01 Tekoälyhype Mitä on tekoälyhype? Miksi tekoälyn hypetys on yhteiskunnalle haitallista? Onko tekoälyhypestä myös jotain hyötyä? Mitä tarkoittaa tekoälytalvi? Emblicastin ensimmäisessä jaksossa keskustellaan näistä ja ympäröivistä aiheista, kuuntele alta! Lue lisää jaksossa
Churn Prediction Dataprojektien "saat mitä tilaat" -ongelma Kun vastaan kävelee oppikirjaesimerkki algoritmeillä ratkaistavasta ongelmasta, säntäävät data-ammattilaiset helposti soveltamaan lempialgoritmiaan kyseenalaistamatta alkuperäistä ongelmanasettelua. "Jos ainoa työkalusi on vasara, näyttävät kaikki ongelmat nauloilta".
Natural Language Processing Mistä Trump tviittasi? Puheenaiheiden mallintaminen tviiteistä koneoppimisen avulla. Koulutimme tekoälyn analysoimaan, mistä Yhdysvaltojen presidentti Donald Trump tviittasi virkakautensa aikana. Suomen Kuvalehti kirjoitti analyysimme pohjalta artikkelin. Tässä blogitekstissä kerromme miten analyysi tehtiin, mitä tekoäly oppi, ja mihin se ei kyennyt.
Machine Vision How To Automate Water Height Measurement In this blog series, we will take a deeper dive into the work we have previously done. In the first part of the series, we want to showcase a project
Transfer learning How to catch the Saimaa ringed seal? - Story about applying modern deep learning to computer vision In 2016 Norppalive was one of the most searched term from Google in Finland in whole year. The concept is simple: One camera is streaming a live stream from one
Natural Language Processing Analysing public elections data in Finnish municipal elections, 2017 During the Finnish Municipal elections (2017) we had Suomen Kuvalehti, a leading Finnish news magazine, as a client. We were helping them to analyse and visualise the data collected by